Nick McKoy of Chad Ad Distributors Limited, a local Show Your Card and Save partner showcases some of the tyres that are for sale at discounted prices to JAA members at his company’s head offices in Kingston.
For persons who love to shop, receiving discounts are an added bonus to snag items or services at the best price. Members of the Jamaica Automobile Association (JAA) can enjoy that convenience and pleasure automatically with their membership, through the internationally recognised Show Your Card and Save (SYC&S) programme.
Locally, JAA members are able to access discounts of from five to 30% at more than 160 locations, on a wide variety of products and services. However, Duane Ellis, General Manager of the JAA, says there are even more savings to be had by members when they travel and make purchases with their card overseas.
“The Show Your Card and Save programme is one of the largest member discount programmes in the world. It offers more than 164,000 locations for savings worldwide, including 110,000 retail locations in North America,” he explained.
Recognised in some 55 countries, members are able to receive discounts from retailers and service providers by simply showing their JAA card.
“SYC&S is a value added benefit of a JAA membership that is distinct from our Emergency Roadside Assistance: however, it is one that can complement the lifestyle of all our members,” Mr Ellis noted.
He acknowledged that the SYC&S programme is of particular benefit to persons who are frequent travelers, particularly to the United States of America and Canada where there is a diverse of array of merchants and opportunities for savings.
“In 2011, members of the American Automobile Association (AAA), an affiliate organisation of the JAA, saved approximately US$1.5 billion through the SYC&S programme,” Mr Ellis pointed out, adding that “our members can receive these benefits and cover the cost of their annual membership in the savings they receive from purchases overseas.”
Each new JAA member receives a membership card upon sign up. Then, they must present the card whenever they seek to access the services provided by the Association, such as Emergency Roadside Assistance.
In addition, members will receive document expiry reminder and renewal services; one free towing service per year; minor vehicle repairs and trained technicians are also able to provide on-the-scene motor vehicle accident support.