Discounts Islandwide
Receive discounts from over 200 merchants locally.
Discounts when you travel
Receive discounts from over 155,000 merchants overseas.
Round the clock Roadside Assistance
We will:
Jump start your car
Change your flat tyre
When necessary, we provide petrol for you to drive to a safe location
Do minor vehicle repairs
Towing service (Two free per year up to a maximum of $5000 each)
Provide security if necessary
Provide vehicle locksmith service (one free for the year)
Accident Assistance
We will secure your accident scene, assist with paper work, provide towing up to a maximum of $5000 each (two free for the year), call an ambulance and provide security if necessary.
Document Renewal Service
We will remind you to renew your vehicle documents before they expire via text messaging and email. We will pay your registration and fitness fee at the Tax Office for you (Corporate Area only). Documents and payment for same day renewal must be submitted at JAA by 10 a.m.
Valet Service
We will drive your vehicle to any destination of your choice including the examination depot, garage or airport (one free per year).
Taxi Service
We provide taxi service for up to 5 miles. (one free per year)